The Why
First, I want to say thank you for even reading my first post. I hope it is one of many articles I can write and publish to this little creative space that is allllll mine. Also, I should preface with yes, I know I don’t owe anyone an explanation or justification as to why I wanted to do this, but I think it’s important and maybe (hopefully) it will inspire you to jump into whatever you’ve been dreaming about too. As I’ve really honed in on what makes me TRULY happy over the last several years I have realized I feel the most authentic when I am being creative. In all honesty, I have been talking about launching a blog for… the last seven years? Maybe longer?! I am embarrassed and mad at myself that I’m just now doing it. Not because I think it is ever too late to start something new, but because I let my fear of rejection or failure dictate something that I have thought about daily for years, YEARS. If you need a sign to stop caring what everyone else thinks, let this be it. And spoiler alert: no one actually even cares.
I know this is very 2011 of me and in reality, most people are moving away from blogs. Have you noticed that most of your favorite bloggers/influencers you follow don’t really write anything anymore? Which granted, in their defense, they don’t have to because they can make tons of money by posting links to the ever-disposable Amazon. However, I already have a day job I love so my goal is not to turn this into a source of income but simply foster a creative outlet that I don’t get in my 9-5. Speaking of the word “influencer” – I hate that term. Newsflash, we are ALL influencers. Inspiration is everywhere and comes in many shapes and forms. Most Instagram influencers have all become so dense and alike I would hardly call them influencing anything but lackluster purchases I don’t even need. I promise to share more than just tHiNgS tO BuY. I, personally, am becoming increasingly bored with the internet and the same cycle of sponsored content and surface level posts. I am going through a really exciting, but also transformative, time of my life where I need a place to house all of my thoughts and ideas, a digital scrapbook if you will. I realize the total industry and landscape has changed but this isn’t about what everyone else is doing. Sometimes I just need more space than an insta caption, ya know? Social media can be a beautiful place where you can curate your feed and opt in or out as your interests and alignment shift. I follow some people for food and recipes, others for fashion and outfit ideas, some for home content, and poets whose writing makes me feel something. You cannot check all your boxes with one person and luckily you don’t have to! Think of art, you most likely do not resonate with it all, and some is mind blowing they have made a career out of it (amiright) but nonetheless it is art and there is an audience for everything. Just because it isn’t your cup of tea doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. My point being, I think I have tried to talk myself out of this for so long because I did not feel like I had anything substantial to offer. And maybe I don’t, but I’ve decided I can’t fail because by literally putting this out into the world I’ve done something that terrifies me, and I’ve already reached my goal.
I listened to a podcast a long time ago where Brene Brown said something along the lines of creativity is how I share my soul with the world and without it I’m not ok, and without access to everyone else’s creativity, we are all not ok. It stopped me in my tracks. I think we all express our art and imaginations differently – some people work with their hands and have an Etsy shop or small business, some people are fitness instructors on the side and their passion is teaching or entertaining, maybe baking is your obsession. For me, that has always been writing, fashion, interiors, and travel so that is what I am going to do. Right here, right now.
Merriment, musings, and life in the middle. The tagline and mission statement of the Hyde Parker if you will. Like I said, this is simply a place for ME. Sometimes it might be curated and perfectly styled and sometimes it might be messy and unfiltered. I don’t want to put any expectations around this yet, but you can look forward to a place for my thoughts (if you know me you know I have a LOT 😉), outfits, travel, life at the Dollhouse in KC, and recent events. I feel like my 30s have been such an impactful time in my life where I finally feel like I am the most genuine version of myself. I have so much to look forward to that I cannot wait to document and share it all. Life in the middle from every aspect. I hope you come along for the ride.